tightly cropped landscape view of A Roar, A Boar y Alice, reflected in the glass of the garage door at Sourceworks Ceramics Studio driveshed. A 22-foot-long original LED light sculpture by Lumencrafter, sky-blue LED lights run through three acrylic tubes joined with heavy gauge wire, wrapped with strips of steel mesh and polycarbonate. stunning; completely original.

Grey County Autumn Leaves Studio Tour, Group Show: 2018

The brilliant ceramics artist Melanie Earle
invited Lumencrafter to be Guest Artist
at Sourceworks Ceramics Studio, Rocklyn, Ontario.

Series of original handmade Lumencrafter wall-hung LED light sculptures at Sourceworks Ceramics Studio for the 2018 Grey County Autumn Leaves Studio Tour. Autumn Leaves Studio Tour 2018Close-up of deer skull mounted on Crucible of Beauty, original handmade freestanding LED light sculpture by Lumencrafter exhibited at Sourceworks Ceramics Studio for the 2018 Grey County Autumn Leaves Studio Tour. A bleached deer skull rests on a bed of polycarbonate strips wildly woven through metal mesh atop an old TV monitor playing a loop of flickering firelight.Lumencrafter: Tectonic LadderTwo droll LED light sculpture wall sconces by Lumencrafter, Box#1 and Shatter#1, at Sourceworks Ceramics Studio for the 2018 Grey County Autumn Leaves Studio Tour.White Gold, an original LED light sculpture exhibited in the 2018 Grey County Autumn Leaves Studio Tour. A one-inch wide strip of gold runs down the centre of a slender four-foot-long structure of polycarbonate struts and spars shot through with sparkling soft-white light.Solar Thing, unique solar-powered hand-made pale green four-foot long LED light sculpture by Lumencrafter, close-up, at the Grey County Autumn Leaves Studio Tour, Rocklyn, Ontario.